1 I have found the joy of God,
In His sacred, blest abode,
Oh, the comfort of the peace that fills my soul!
And a day His courts within,
Far exceedeth all in sin,
In His secret presence I’m abiding.
I shall see Him, I shall see Him,
I shall see Him in His beauty over there;
In His likeness I’ll behold Him,
He is waiting for me at the portals.
2 Of my life the fountain spring,
Now my all to Thee I bring,
Thou, O Lord, art all my heart’s supreme delight!
Whom have I in heav’n but Thee?
None on earth so dear to me,
Thou alone art altogether lovely. [Refrain]
3 How the heav’nly chorus rings,
While my heart in rapture sings
Sweetest anthems of my Savior’s joyful praise;
He’s the fairest of the fair,
Nothing can with Him compare,
He’s to me the chief among ten thousand. [Refrain]
4 Take the world, for Christ is mine,
In His kingdom I would shine,
Let me labor all my days and years for Him:
Perfect love and bliss abound
In His presence, I have found,
Life is joy supreme and full of glory. [Refrain]
Select Hymns, 1911 (Timeless Truths)