1 I have found a heav’n below,
I am living in the glory;
O! the joy and strength I know,
Living in the glory of the Lord.
Yes, I’m living in the glory,
As He promised in His word;
I am dwelling in the heav’nlies,
Living in the glory of the Lord.
2 Storms of sorrow ‘round me fall,
But I’m living in the glory;
I can sing above them all,
Living in the glory of the Lord. [Refrain]
3 Satan cannot touch my heart
While I’m living in the glory;
This disarms each fiery dart,
Living in the glory of the Lord. [Refrain]
4 I can triumph over pain
While I’m living in the glory;
I can count each loss a gain,
Living in the glory of the Lord. [Refrain]
5 I am poor and little known,
But I’m living in the glory;
And I’m waiting for a throne,
Living in the glory of the Lord. [Refrain]
6 Soon the King will come for me,
To be with Him in the glory;
Then my sweeter song shall be
Reigning in the glory of the Lord. [Refrain]
Source: The Tabernacle Hymns #100