1 I have a Friend divine, sincere,
One who is always ling'ring near,
Dearest of all I ever knew,
And He will be a Friend to you.
He never will leave me,
He never will grieve me;
Sorrow may come and foes assail,
Jesus will never, never fail.
2 When I am tempted, He defends,
Strength for my weakness always sends;
With me in ev'rything I do,
And He will be a Friend to you. [Chorus]
3 When I am faint and weary worn,
Wounded by many a hidden thorn,
Faithful is He, and kind and true,
And He will be a Friend to you. [Chorus]
4 When at the river's brink I stand,
Waiting to hear the dread command,
He will be there to lead me thro',
And He will be a Friend to you. [Chorus]
Source: Christian Hymns: for every purpose in worship #230