1 I do not know the path I tread,
I cannot see its distant end,
But Jesus knows, and He has said
That He will ever be my friend.
I’ll trust, trust, trust,
I’ll trust my Saviour all the way.
When storms oppose I’ll say, “He knows”
And trust, trust, trust.
2 Sometimes the way is lone and drear,
Sometimes ‘tis dark and very chill,
But then there comes this word of cheer,
“Fear not, for I am with thee still.” [Refrain]
3 What matter, then if shadows throw
Across my path their gloomy pall!
His love will lighten them I know,
And I will trust Him—that is all. [Refrain]
Source: The Praise Book: for Young People's Societies, Church Prayer Meetings and Sunday Schools #78