1 I do not fear to tread the path that darkly lies before,
I know the One in whom I trust, I prove Him o’er and o’er;
I know there will not be a cross for me alone to bear,
For He has promised to be with me,—Jesus will be there.
Jesus will be there! Jesus will be there!
He knows the cross is more than I alone can bear;
Jesus will be there! Jesus will be there!
And so my heart will fear no evil! Jesus will be there!
2 When sorrows come, through all my tears, my Saviour I shall see,
O’er thorny vale, and rocky steep, His arms will shelter me;
He will be strength for every need, with grace beyond compare,
And so my faith has full assurance, Jesus will be there! [Refrain]
3 And so I calmly go to meet the trials of the way,
With hope and courage born of Him there’s vict’ry through the day;
Like singing bird or blooming flow’r, I need not have a care,
Today, tomorrow and forever, Jesus will be there! [Refrain]
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving #20