1 I could never be saved from the guilt of my sin,
If the power must be of my own;
But I’ve found a sure way to keep saved every day,
‘Tis by trusting in Jesus alone.
Trusting in Jesus alone,
Trusting in Jesus alone;
But I’ve found a sure way to keep saved every day,
‘Tis by trusting in Jesus alone.
2 When the tempter assails, at me aiming his darts,
And when courage and strength both have flown;
If I lift but my eyes, like a flash from the skies,
I have help just thro’ Jesus alone. [Refrain]
3 When the billows of sorrow my soul would o’erwhelm,
Thro’ the waters I safely have gone;
For the sea would divide as a wall on each side,
While I trusted in Jesus alone. [Refrain]
4 Thro’ his infinite grace I shall gather some day,
With the ransomed around the white throne;
And this song I shall sing as my eyes greet the King,
“’Twas by trusting in Jesus alone.” [Refrain]
Source: The Old Story in Song Number Two #33