1 I cannot see beyond the moment;
Tomorrow’s strength comes not today;
But, blessed Lord, I trust Thy keeping
For just the next step of my way.
O Jesus, keep my next step faithful
To paths marked out by God for me!
Hold Thou me up, O mighty Saviour!
My strength and hope are all in Thee.
2 With each temptation, Thou hast promised
The grace to conquer and to bear;
A way of sure escape provided
From every subtle, secret snare. [Refrain]
3 Forgetting all the weary failures
The sinful, selfish past has known,
With eyes that look right onward alway,
I will to follow Thee alone. [Refrain]
4 The storms that gather round my pathway
May hide the next step from my sight,
But faith can walk with God in darkness,
And He will guide that step aright. [Refrain]
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving #46