1 I came to Jesus lost, undone,
Confessed to him my sin;
He pardoned then my guilty soul,
And glorious light shone in.
I know on whom I’ve believed,
His pardon I have received;
Again I plunged beneath the tide,
My soul is sanctified.
2 Then joyfully I sang his praise,
And tranquil was my rest,
Till suddenly I found one day
A foe within my breast. [Refrain]
3 I came to Jesus then again,
Pressed closely to his side;
His cleansing blood flowed o’er my heart,
A purifying tide. [Refrain]
4 No storms disturb my perfect rest,
While I my Lord obey;
Since all my heart is pure and clean,
I’m happy all the day. [Refrain]
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #169