1 I brought to the cross my burden of sin,
His wonderful love was my plea;
I gave Him my heart and peace dwells within,
Since Jesus, my Savior, found me.
Oh, bless His dear name,
I never will cease
To praise Him for mercy so free;
Oh, sweet is His love
And perfect my peace,
Since Jesus, my Savior, found me.
2 My trust is in One, who always is near;
My guide and companion is He;
I walk at His side, no foe do I fear,
Since Jesus, my Savior, found me. [Refrain]
3 Each murmuring thought His tenderness stills,
In sorrow, His hand I can see;
I patiently toil or rest as He wills,
Since Jesus, my Savior, found me. [Refrain]
Source: The Chorus of Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Meetings, Revivals, Prayer Meetings, and All the Social Services of the Church #60