1 I believe the blessed Saviour came down from heav’n for me,
Endured the cross, with all its shame, From sin to set me free;
He died and then arose again, and did to heav’n ascend,
I believe the good old gospel from beginning to the end.
I believe it, hallelujah!
I believe it, hallelujah!
Pow’r of God unto salvation to my soul!
I believe the good old gospel, for it is the sinner’s friend,
I believe the good old gospel from beginning to the end.
2 I believe the good old gospel once given to the saints,
That we are saved by grace alone it all the world acquaints;
The one divine religion upon which you may depend,
I believe the good old gospel from beginning to the end. [Refrain]
3 I believe that Christ is coming to take His loved ones home,
To heav’nly mansions of the blest from thence no more to roam;
On resurrection morning in the twinkling of an eye,
They’ll be changed into His image and ascend with Him on high. [Refrain]
4 I believe the present moment the time to save the soul,
Tomorrow’s sun may only rise for death to take its toll;
To turn your back on Jesus, and reject God’s blessed Son,
Is to judge yourself unworthy of the life that Calv’ry won. [Refrain]
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving #128