1 I believe that God in mercy
Has a wondrous work begun,
And that souls from sin's dark bondage
May by sov'reign love be won.
I believe he sent a Savior,
Sent his own beloved Son;
I believe he sent a Savior,
Sent his own beloved Son.
I believe, I believe;
Help my unbelief, O Lord;
I believe, I believe;
Help my unbelief, O Lord.
2 I believe he came, and vanquished
Ev'ry art the tempter knew;
Filled the law to the last letter,
Perfect, holy, pure and true.
I believe the work is finished,
And there's nothing left to do;
I believe the work is finished,
And there's nothing left to do. [Chorus]
3 I believe salvation's offer'd,
Without money, without cost,
To the weary, heavy laden,
Wand'ring, homeless, tempest-tost,
I believe that Jesus only
Came to seek and save the lost;
I believe that Jesus only
Came to seek and save the lost. [Chorus]
4 I believe that all are sinners;
But the promise, is so free
"Whosoever will," ah, surely
Whosoever includes me!
I believe Christ died for sinners,
I believe he died for me;
I believe Christ died for sinners,
I believe he died for me. [Chorus]
5 I believe! O Lord, my Savior,
Help mine unbelief, I pray,
That I now have life eternal,
Not tomorrow, but to-day.
I believe the words of Jesus,
I believe I'm saved to-day!
I believe the words of Jesus,
I believe I'm saved to-day! [Chorus]
Source: Joy to the World: or, sacred songs for gospel meetings #32