1 I B'lieve in one Almighty God,
The Father of us all:
Who gives us life, and health, and food
And hears us when we call.
2 The heav'ns by his Almighty hands,
And earth and seas were made,
He governs all with his command,
On which all things are stay'd.
3 I b'lieve in Jesus Christ my Lord,
The Father's only son;
Who is the great eternal Word,
And with the Father one.
4 Who is from all eternity
The author of all bliss:
Who is, and was, and e'er shall be,
God as the Father is.
5 Conceived by the Holy Ghost,
And born the Virgin's Son,
As testifi'd the Ang'lic Host,
Who made his birth first known.
6 He died and in the grave he lay,
But there did not remain,
And on his own appointed day
He liv'd and rose again.
7 At God's right hand he reigns, our head,
Once more he is to come,
To judge the living and the dead,
And give each one his doom.
8 In God the Holy Ghost I b'lieve,
Like as in God the Son;
All glory to these Three I give,
Which blessed Three are One.
9 The Holy Ghost his gifts imparts,
Both heav'nly and divine;
Unites all true believer's hearts,
With Christ their Lord to join.
10 I also hold this doctrine forth.
It is my faith and creed:
There is one Christian Church on earth,
The church of Christ indeed.
11 And in this Christian Church below
I find my safest place:
God's word and ordinances too
And all the means of grace.
12 A pardon for my sins I have
And numb'red with the just,
And I shall live beyond the grave,
When raised from the dust.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCLXXVII