1 I'm weary of staying; O when shall I rest
In that promised land of the good and the blest.
Where sin can no longer her blandishments spread,
Where tears and temptations forever are fled?
2 I'm weary of sighing o'er sorrows of earth,
O'er joy's glowing visions that fade at their birth,
O'er pangs for the loved which we cannot assuage,
O'er blightings of you and the weakness of age.
3 I'm weary of hoping, where hope is untrue,
As fair but as fleeting as bright morning dew;
I long for that land whose blest promise alone
Is changeless, and sure as eternity's throne.
4 I'm weary of loving what passes away;
The sweetest and dearest, alas! may not stay:
I long for that land where these partings are o'er,
And death and the tomb can divide us no more!
5 O Jesus, my Saviour, when shall I behold
That morning long promised by prophets of old,
When sin's night of sorrow forever is past,
And death's silent captives are ransomed at last?
Source: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book: for use in divine worship #864
First Line: | I am weary of straying, O fain would I rest (York) |
Title: | Longing for Rest |
Author: | Sarah Emily York |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |