1 I am waiting for the coming of the Bridegroom in the air,
I am longing for the gath’ring of the ransomed over there;
I am putting on the garments which the Heavenly Bride shall wear,
For the glad homecoming draweth night.
Oh, the glad homecoming, It is swiftly drawing nigh;
Oh, the sad home longing will be over bye and bye.
Lo! the Bridegroom cometh, holy watchers soon will cry,
For the glad homecoming draweth nigh.
2 I am letting go the pleasures and the treasures worldlings prize,
I am laying up my treasures and ambitions in the skies;
I am setting my affections where there are no broken ties,
For the glad homecoming draweth nigh. [Chorus]
3 Oh, the joy of meeting Jesus and the loved ones gone before!
Oh, to be where sin and sorrow, pain and sickness come no more;
All my heart is turning ever to that everlasting shore,
Where the glad homecoming draweth nigh. [Chorus]
Source: Hymns of the Christian Life #483