1 "I am the way," O hear ye the blessed Savior say,
O who will come and follow after me;
I am the truth, the life, I will lead you all the way,
To mansions bright, in heav'n prepared for thee.
Hear the Savior calling, calling, calling,
Sinner, come unto me
And I, And I, And I will give the rest.
2 I died upon the cross that the weary ones might know
That life is found beneath the crimson tied;
And tho' your sins be scarlet, i'll make them white as snow;
O come to me, the door is open wide. [Chorus]
3 The night is coming on when the messenger shall call —
The sun of life is sinking in the west;
O hear the proclamation! salvation's free for all;
O come to me, and i will give you rest. [Chorus]
Source: Songs of the Morning: a choice collection of songs and hymns for the Sunday school and other social services #42