1 I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life;
For God’s beloved Son am I.
I am the fountain of spiritual youth;
Let weary, thirsting souls draw nigh.
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life;
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
2 Let not your hearts be troubled with fear;
Believe, in God, believe in Me.
Mansions there are, where no sorrow nor tear,
Can vex the soul of man set free. [Refrain]
3 There in the skies, I prepare you a place,
Where you shall rest for aye and aye;
There in the light of the Lord’s holy face,
No night there is, but shining day. [Refrain]
4 Ask you, my children, the Father to see?
Have I been so long time with you?
Know ye not, children, He dwelleth in me;
His light and love are ever new? [Refrain]
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #37