1 I am saved, blessedly saved, by the blood,
Ever kept by the power of his might;
I am walking and talking with Jesus, my Lord,
In his precepts I run with delight.
Blessedly saved, saved by the blood,
Blessedly saved by the blood of the Lamb;
Happy and free, Jesus with me,
Blessedly saved, blessedly kept, yes, I am!
2 I was saved years ago by the blood
After striving and praying with tears;
But when willing, the Spirit came in like a flood,
And he washed all away sins of years.
3 I’ve been fighting for God ever since
In The Salvation Army so brave;
Where he leads I will follow, I’m at his command
To go forward, poor sinners to save.
4 In this warfare I fight with delight,
Ever ready for service I am,
Warning sinners to flee from the wrath that’s to come,
And be washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #321