1 I am living in the sunshine
Of my Saviour’s perfect love,
And by faith I see Him seated
On His glorious throne above.
There, approved of God the Father,
He forever pleads for me;
And His faithful word declareth
There is pardon full and free.
O come into the sunshine of His love,
Receive the great salvation from above;
It gives you glad release,
And fills your heart with peace;
O come into the sunshine, the sunshine of His love.
2 O this sunshine! how its glory
Fills my heart with constant peace;
And from bondage without measure
It has brought me glad release.
Once life’s little cares would fret me,
Threat’ning ills my soul affright;
But the sweetness of his sunshine
Makes the heavy crosses light. [Refrain]
3 Gladly now my feet are running
On the errands of my Lord;
And to do or suffer for Him,
Deep contentment doth afford.
At each step the way grows brighter;
Golden glory fills the sky;
In the promise of His coming,
Our redemption draweth nigh. [Refrain]
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving No. 3 #141