1 I am glad that God the Father loved our fallen, sinful race,
I am glad, I am glad;
I am glad for all the kindness of his matchless, boundless grace;
I am glad, I am glad.
I am glad he bought my pardon with a price so full and free;
I am glad he opened heaven’s gates so wide for you and me;
I am glad that all the wonders of his glory I shall see,
Hallelujah! I am glad!
2 I am glad that Jesus came to earth to seek and save the lost,
I am glad, I am glad;
I am glad he paid the ransom price, tho’ at such wondrous cost,
I am glad, I am glad. [Refrain]
3 I am glad that when I came to him, a sinner, lost, undone,
I am glad, I am glad;
I am glad he spoke the word of peace and bid my fears be gone,
I am glad, I am glad. [Refrain]
4 I am glad for all the peace and joy I have in him each day,
I am glad, I am glad;
And for all the sweet communion in this blessed heav’nly way,
I am glad, I am glad. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Christian Service #115