1 How vain was impious Herod’s dread
To see the crown on Jesus’ head!
His hand no earthly good denies
Who gives the kingdom of the skies.
2 The wise men by His star are brought
To Him whom saints and prophets sought;
Their offerings Him their God confess,
Their eyes the light eternal bless.
3 O meek and holy Lamb, to Thee
Let men and angels bow the knee;
Our race to sanctify and save,
Thou dost descend to Jordan’s wave.
4 Lo, in her pure and gladsome hour
Cana beheld, O Christ, Thy power!
The water changed to wine doth show
That Thou art God with us below.
5 Again, O Jesu, let Thy might
Appear in all the heathen’s sight;
In Thee alone be all our boast,
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!