1 How thankful the Apostles were,
When e'er such happy news they heard;
That God had heard their humble pray'r,
And bless'd their preaching of the word.
2 This was their main and chief delight,
The Saviour's church on earth to build;
For this they labour'd day and night,
To have this glorious work fulfill'd.
3 They spar'd no labour, toil or pain
To make the Gospel mist'ries known;
They strove to shew their fellow-men,
What Christ for fallen man had done.
4 When Christ his dear disciples sent,
The way of life was plainly taught;
It caused many to repent,
When messages of peace were brought.
5 When men are made the truth to b'lieve,
By hearing what the Gospel saith;
Their souls are made in Christ to live,
And grow in love and hope and faith.
6 When thus their hearts are made to feel,
And know the mercies of their God;
Their minds are fill'd with fervent zeal,
To walk the strait and narrow road.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CXLV