1 How sweet this bond of perfectness,
The wondrous love of Jesus;
A pure foretaste of Heaven’s bliss,
Oh, fellowship so precious!
Oh brethren, how this perfect love
Unites us all in Jesus!
One heart, and soul, and mind, we prove,
The union Heaven gave us.
2 The bond that circles Heaven’s pure—
Oh, wondrous! wondrous story!
Has dropped around the holy here,
And fills us all with glory. [Refrain]
3 Oh, praise the Lord for love divine
That binds us all together;
A thousand chords our hearts entwine,
Forever and forever. [Refrain]
4 "God over all and in us all",
And thro’ each holy brother;
No power of earth or hell, withal,
Can rent us from each other. [Refrain]
5 Oh, mystery of Heaven’s peace!
Oh, bond of Heaven’s union!
Our souls in fellowship embrace,
And live in sweet communion. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #4129