1 How sweet that Bible story,
Of Ruth who left her land
To follow one who loved the Lord
And loved his blest command.
She said, "I leave my kindred,
I seek a path divine,
I cast my idols all away,
For Israel's God is mine.
"Entreat me not to leave thee,
Or turn from following thee,
For where thou goest, I will go,
Thy people mine shall be.
Entreat me not to leave thee,
Hear now my solemn vow;
I choose thy God to be my God,
To be my Saviour now.
2 "Entreat me not to leave thee,
I never can return
I want the land of promise now,
The land of sin I spurn.
I go, my all forsaking,
For I would die with thee;
'The Lord do so, and more, if aught
But death part thee and me.'" [Chorus]
3 O sinner, leave thy sinning,
Turn now to Christ the Lord;
Come, seek the city built above,
And find a blest reward.
Like Ruth, of olden story,
Make Israel's God thy stay,
And Christ, the everlasting God,
Will help thy soul to say, [Chorus]
Source: Light in the Valley: a new work of great merit for the Sunday school, revivals, Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, young people's society, and all forward movement along the line of battle... #178