1 How shall I know that I am His?
My heart grows sick with fear;
The humble gifts I offer Him,
How small they must appear!
O child, yield not to dark despair,
And be thou not afraid,
He gave His life to save a world,
Thy ransom has been paid.
Then rise, sing forth,
And bid each doubt to flee,
Go, claim the promise of His word,
“My peace I give to thee.”
2 How shall I know that I am His?
My faith seems all too weak,
I long to have assurance mine,
Its perfect peace I seek.
O child, let naught thy peace assail;
May this thy comfort be,
‘Tis not thy fitness makes thee whole,
But what He did for thee. [Refrain]
3 How shall I know that I am His?
When death shall seal mine eyes
Shall I be fit to tread the streets
Of yonder paradise?
O child, thou shalt with Him abide;
Have not a single care,
For when the bonds of death are loosed
His likeness thou shall bear. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Songs No. 2 #138