1 How often as thro’ this dark valley I roam,
I think of the dear ones gather’d safe home;
That where the circle ne’er broken shall be,
Where storm-clouds of sorrow they never shall see.
Home, precious home, sweet the thought it is to me;
Home far away o’er the dark, mystic sea;
Home, precious home, that will never decay;
Home, where with Jesus I ever shall stay.
2 ‘Tis not by good works I that mansion shall gain,
‘Twill be thro’ the One who for sinners was slain;
And, but for the blood Jesus shed on the tree,
I homeless and friendless forever would be. [Chorus]
3 Oh, what tho’ I gather earth’s silver and gold,
And titles to mansions and lands I may hold;
Yet I’m but a pilgrim, and short is my stay,
I’m bound for that mansion, ‘twill ne’er pass away. [Chorus]
4 Then onward I’ll journey, my cross meekly bear,
To wand’rers I’ll tell of the home over there;
Christ Jesus, my Lord, in His infinite love,
Invites ev’ry sinner to that home above. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #60