1 How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him
who brings good news, good news;
Announcing peace, proclaiming news of happiness:
our God reigns, our God reigns!
Our God reigns, our God reigns, our God reigns,
our God reigns, our God reigns!
2 He had no stately form. He had no majesty
that we should be drawn to him.
He was despised and we took no account of him;
Yet now he reigns with the Most High! [Refrain]
3 It was our sin and guilt that bruised and wounded him,
it was our sin that brought him down.
When we like sheep had gone astray, our shepherd came
and on his shoulders bore our shame! [Refrain]
4 Meek as a lamb that's led out to the slaughterhouse,
still as a sheep before its shearer,
His life ran down upon the ground like pouring rain
that we might be born again! [Refrain]
5 Out of the tomb he came with grace and majesty,
he is alive, he is alive!
God loves us so; see here his hands, his feet, his side:
yes, we know he is alive! [Refrain]
First Line: | How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him |
Title: | Our God Reigns |
Versifier: | Leonard E. Smith (1974) |
Meter: | Irregular |
Language: | English |
Refrain First Line: | Our God reigns |
Copyright: | © 1974, 1978 by L. E. Smith, Jr./New Jerusalem Music. Author has given permission for the hymn to be viewed on this website |
Scripture References:
st. = Isa. 52:7
Isaiah 52:7 speaks of "good news," originally referring to Israel's delivery from captivity and return to Jerusalem. Today Christians sing these words to celebrate our delivery from sin through Christ
(Rom. 10:15-16), who brings salvation and a restoration of God's rule, resulting in peace and happiness. The song text combines Isaiah's message with the theme that rings throughout the Psalms: God reigns!
Leonard E. Smith, Jr., (b. Philadelphia, PA, 1942) composed this song in 1973 in Riverton, New Jersey. Educated at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, where he received a BA in philosophy, Smith first taught in public high schools, but his evangelical efforts in the schools created problems, resulting in his dismissal. He then began painting houses to support his family.
One night as he was reading Isaiah 52 he was overwhelmed by the conviction that God was in control of his life and of all creation; he wrote this song that night in just five minutes. The song was first sung at New Covenant Community Church, where Smith served as worship leader. Though not published for some time, it became known internationally when evangelist Bob Mumford included it in his crusades. It was first published in a Servant Publications hymnal, Songs of Praise (vol. 2, 1977). In 1978 Smith added four additional verses. He has published over 130 Scripture songs with New Jerusalem Music Co.
Liturgical Use:
Mission services; ordination services; Epiphany; Pentecost; Ascension. The chorus alone can be used as an acclamation, especially in informal services, or it can be used as a frame to surround another hymn such as "Sing Praise to the Lord" (466), or, if transposed to C major, added to Psalm 93 or 97.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook