1 How long hath God bestowed his care
On this indulged, ungrateful land!
How oft in times of danger near,
Preserved us by his sov'reign hand!
2 Here peace and liberty have dwelt,
The glorious Gospel brightly shone;
And oft our mightiest foes have felt
That God hath made our cause his own.
3 But, ah! both heav'n and earth have heard
Our vile requital of his love;
We, whom like children he has reared,
For all his care unthankful prove.
4 See! he uplifts his chast'ning rod!
O, where are now the faithful few,
Who tremble for the ark of God,
And know what Israel ought to do?
5 Lord, hear thy people ev'rywhere,
Who meet this day to weep and pray;
Our sinful land in mercy spare,
In mercy turn thy wrath away!
Source: The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4 #607