1 How happy the home when the Savior is there,
Where all walk with Him and His goodness declare,
And where often their hearts are united in prayer,
Around the Family Altar.
Oh, home of the praying,
Oh, home of His name,
The Family Altar erected,
And hearts with His praises aflame.
2 How blessed the home where His praises are heard,
Where parents and children are reading God’s Word,
And when early in childhood the glad heart is stirred,
Around the Family Altar. [Refrain]
3 How charming the home where the Lord has a place,
When thanked at each meal for His infinite grace,
And when often in prayer they meet Christ face to face,
Around the Family Altar. [Refrain]
4 How joyous the home where the Savior’s revered,
His name is exalted, His precepts are feared;
And with strength ev’ry morning His people are cheered,
Around the Family Altar. [Refrain]
5 How peaceful the home where so often they tell
Of Christ their Redeemer who loves them so well,
And uniting their voices His praises to swell,
Around the Family Altar. [Refrain]
Source: Glad Tidings in Song #149