1 How great and solemn is the thing,
For which we here are come;
To view the death of Zion’s King,
And gaze upon his tomb;
2 To see him, under death’s arrest,
Enter the dismal grave;
Awhile in that dark cell to rest,
Our mortal flesh to save;
3 To see him in his grave-clothes lie,
His life and glory gone;
To ask ourselves the reason why
This wondrous deed was done;
4 To view the wounds of which he died
And own our sins the cause;
To honour Christ the crucified,
Adhering to his laws;
5 To trace him rising from the tomb
In victory over all;
The first-born Son of nature’s womb,
That rose no more to fall.
6 Here, humble saints, your tribute pay;
A risen Saviour sing;
Come, be baptized without delay,
In honour of your King.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #426