1 How glorious is this holy Place,
where Bread of Life is giv'n!
This surely is the House of God!
this is the Gate of Heav'n!
Jesus, the Master of the Feast,
vouchsafes his Presence here;
The cup of Blessing passes round,
the pious Guests to chear.
2 Hence faithless Doubts, desponding Fears,
no more our joys molest:
Hence all vain Thoughts, and vile Desires
no more our Souls infest.
Can Sinners doubt their Pardon, when
their Judge upon them smiles?
Can they ungratefully rebel,
whom Jesus reconciles?
3 The Merit of his Blood can calm
the soul with Guilt opprest:
The Torments of his Cross can make
the Soul all sin detest.
O may our Sins, that made thee bleed,
all on thy Cross expire!
O may the Joys thy Banquet gives,
equal our warm Desire!
4 So shall we mount upon the Wings
of chearful Hope and Love;
And here begin the songs that we
shall better sing above.
Source: The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre: being the New-England Psalm-Book, revised and improved... (2nd ed.) #XXXII