1 How excellent in all the earth,
Lord, our Lord, is thy name!
Who hast thy glory far advanced
above the starry frame.
2 From infants' and from sucklings' mouth
thou didest strength ordain,
For thy foes' cause, that so thou might'st
th' avenging foe restrain.
3 When I look up unto the heav'ns,
which thine own fingers framed,
Unto the moon, and to the stars,
which were by thee ordained;
4 Then say I, What is man, that he
remembered is by thee?
Or what the son of man, that thou
so kind to him should'st be?
5 For thou a little lower hast
him than the angels made;
With glory and with dignity
thou crownèd hast his head.
6 Of thy hands' works thou mad'st him lord,
all under's feet didst lay;
7 All sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts
that in the field do stray;
8 Fowls of the air, fish of the sea,
all that pass through the same.
9 How excellent in all the earth,
Lord, our Lord, is thy name!
Source: Foundations Psalter: 1650 Scottish Psalter #8
First Line: | How excellent in all the earth, Lord, our Lord, is thy name! |
Title: | How excellent in all the earth |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |