1 How blest and how joyous will be the glad day,
When heart beats to heart in the work of the Lord;
When Christians united shall swell the grand lay,
Divisions all ended, triumphant His word!
O shout the glad word, O hasten the day,
When all of God’s people are one;
O shout the glad word, O hasten the day,
When all of God’s people are one;
2 The prayer of our Savior impels us move on;
Its words are still sounding the call of our king;
And Paul, in devotion, doth echo the song,
I beg you, my brethren, to speak the same thing. [Refrain]
3 Be faithful and true till the warfare is o’er,
Till factions are foiled and the vict’ry is won;
And millions of voices shall blend on the shore,
To welcome us enter our Father’s glad home. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12154