1 How blessed is this place, O Lord,
Where Thou art worshiped and adored;
Our faith would here an altar raise
Unto Thy glory, God of praise!
2 Here let Thy sacred fire of old
Descend to kindle spirits cold;
And may our prayers, when here we bend,
Like incense sweet to Thee ascend.
3 Here let the weary one find rest,
The aching heart a comfort blest,
The guilty soul a sure retreat,
The sinner pardon at Thy feet.
4 Here gather us around Thy board
To keep the feast with Thee, dear Lord,
And when in faith our souls draw near,
May we discern Thy presence here.
5 And when these earthly Sabbaths cease,
O may our souls depart in peace,
Around Thy glorious throne to meet,
And find it, Lord, a mercy-seat!
Source: The Hymnal and Order of Service #581
First Line: | How blessed is this place, O Lord |
Author: | Ernest Edwin Ryden (1924) |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |