1 How blessed is the throne of grace
That calls from ev'ry care;
There Jesus waits, with smiling face,
And listens to our prayer.
O blessed throne of grace!
With gladness we draw near,
For, happy thought, the King divine
Will our petition hear.
2 With confidence we come to him
As child to father dear;
We lay our burdens at his feet;
He fills our souls with cheer. [Chorus]
3 If we approach the throne of grace,
Then will our doubtings cease;
For there is help, in times of storm,
And all abiding peace. [Chorus]
4 Our earthly joys do not abide,
And troubles may assail,
But thro' the darkness shines the throne
Where help will never fail. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #37