1 How beautiful His feet appear
High on the mountain tops, who brings
Glad tidings of salvation near,
Salvation from the King of kings!
2 Who publishes the joyful sound,
Proclaims a peace ’twixt earth and Heaven,
A ransom for the sinner found,
God reconciled, and man forgiven.
3 That says to Israel’s mournful race,
"Awake, arise, shake off thy chains";
Believe the word of Gospel grace,
Thy God, thy great Redeemer reigns.
4 Thy watchmen shall the voice lift up,
Shall sing with gladsome melody,
Object of all their joy and hope,
When eye to eye their Lord they see.
5 Him, eye to eye, shall they behold,
Shall shout to see the Savior come,
To save a world redeemed of old,
To bring the weary captives home.
6 Break forth in joy, your gladness sing,
Employ your all for Christ, your king;
Rejoice, and Him Messiah claim:
Bestowing praise, live in His name.
7 For Christ the Lord doth comfort man,
Erases sin with mighty hand:
To Heav’n we rise from from Adam’s fall:
His life He gave to ransom all.
8 His arm He bared, in mercy, grace,
Prepared a pardon for our race;
His merit, shown to all men’s sight,
We may inherit as our right.
9 The Gentiles hear the saving call:
His grace appears and visits all;
A common ransom doth belong
To every nation, tribe and, tongue.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11100