1 Honor the great Creator,
Now in this glorious time!
Hark! from the sea and forest
Rises a chant sublime:
“Glory to God the Giver!”
List to the chorus grand!
While from his holy gospel
Breathes forth the sweet command:
Enter my heav’nly kingdom,
Child of my tender love;
Growing on earth for heaven,
Meet for the home above.
2 Worship the gracious Father,
Giver of golden days!
While all the voice of nature
Echoes his worthy praise.
He who hath giv’n the glory,
Beauty of earth and sky,
Loves us,—O blessed story!
Speaks to us from on high. [Refrain]
3 Praise for our souls’ redemption,
Higher the tribute raise!
Bright is the earthly season,
Brighter the heav’nly days.
What shall our voices render
For all his love doth give?
Gladly we own his mandate,
Gladly for him we live. [Refrain]
Source: Sunday School Voices: a collection of sacred songs #104