1 Home, happy home on high,
Dear land beyond the sky,
Beauteous and vernal
Where joys supernal,
Steadfast, eternal,
His saints shall sweetly share.
Glory, Glory,
Yonder's my home,
Glory, Glory,
Yonder's my home.
2 Home, heav'nly home divine,
Home where the light shall shine,
Brighter and nearer,
Purer and clearer,
Dearer and dearer,
To those who love his name. [Chorus]
3 Home, happy home above,
Home where the Savior's love
Fills heaven's portals
Thrills each immortal,
Thrills each immortal,
In yonder blessed clime. [Chorus]
Source: Joyful Songs: a choice collection of new Sunday School music #85