1 Holy Mary, Mother mild,
O sweet Mother!
Hear, oh! hear a feeble child,
O sweet Mother!
Oh! exult, ye Cherubim!
And rejoice, ye Seraphim!
Praise her! Praise her!
Oh! praise our spotless Queen!
2 Who on life's tempestuous sea,
O sweet Mother!
Is cast alone: O succor me,
O sweet Mother! [Chorus]
3 Waves of sorrow o'er me roll, O, etc.
Storms of passion shake my soul, O, etc. [Chorus]
4 Dangers press on every side, O, etc.
Star of Ocean, be my guide, O, etc. [Chorus]
5 Brightness in the courts above, O, etc.
Joy of angels! Queen of love! O, etc. [Chorus]
6 Comfort of the sorrowing, hear! O, etc.
And grief and tears will disappear, O, etc. [Chorus]
Source: Laudis Corona: the new Sunday school hymn book, containing a collection of Catholic hymns, arranged for the principal seasons and festivals of the year #134a