1 Holy, holy, holy Lord!
Self-existent Diety,
By the hosts of heaven ador'd,
Teach us how to worship thee:
Only uncreated mind,
Wonders in thy nature meet;
Perfect Unity combin'd
With Society complete.
2 All perfection dwells in thee,
Now to us obscurely known,
Three in one, and one in three,
Great Jehovah, God alone!
Be our all, O Lord divine!
Father, Saviour, Vital Breath!
Body, spirit, soul be thine,
Now, and at, and after death!
3 Glorious, thou, in holiness,
Father didst thy rights maintain;
Truth and grace at once express,
When thy only Son was slain:
Here is deepest wisdom seen;
Here the richest stores of grace:
Mildest love, and vengeance keen;
O how bright their mingled rays!
4 Fearful thou in praises too,
Loving Saviour, slaughter'd Lamb!
We with joy and reverence view
All thy glory, all they shame!
Be thy death the death of sin,
Be thy life the sinner's plea;
Save me, teach me, rule within,
Prophet, Priest, and King to me.
Source: Hymns, Selected and Original: for public and private worship (1st ed.) #43