Gems of Sacred Song #d58
Display Title: Holy Father, send thy blessing First Line: Holy Father, send thy blessing Date: 1899
Gems of Sacred Song #d58
1 Holy Father, send Thy blessing
On Thy children gathered here;
Let them all, Thy love confessing,
Be to Thee forever dear.
Holy Saviour, Who in meekness
Didst vouchsafe a child to be;
Guide their steps and help their weakness,
Bless, and make them like to Thee.
2 Bear the lambs, when they are weary,
In Thine arms and at Thy breast;
Through life's desert dark and dreary
Bring them to Thy heavenly rest.
Spread Thy wings of blessing o’er them,
Holy Spirit, from above;
Guide, and lead, and go before them,
Give them peace, and joy, and love.
Source: The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal: official hymnal of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church #536