1 Hold your little torch on high,
Ever keep it burning bright;
Souls in sin and darkness lie,
Waiting, waiting for its light.
Keep your light aglow for Jesus,
Let it shine, brightly shine;
Keep your light aglow for Jesus,
Let it ever brightly shine.
2 Hold your little torch on high,
Though so tiny be its ray;
It may hush some saddened cry,
It may turn some night to day. [Refrain]
3 Hold your little torch on high,
Let it gleam o’er ocean tide;
Some poor soul may sink and die,
Waiting for its light to guide. [Refrain]
4 Hold your little torch on high,
‘Twas to you in mercy giv’n;
Sinners then may glorify
Our dear Father’s name in heav’n. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Grace and Glory: A New and Inspiring Selection of Sacred Songs for Evangelical Use and General Worship #359