1 Hold to the promise and you shall win
Victory over the world and sin;
Be ever faithful and true to Him,
Hold to the promise true.
O the sweet and precious promise
Jesus gives to me and you;
He will never leave, nor forsake you,
Hold to the promise true.
2 Hold to the promise , it can not fail,
“Naught can molest,” nor your soul assail,
Dread not the strife, for you shall prevail,
Hold to the promise true. [Refrain]
3 Hold to the promise where’er you go,
Sunshine and joy in your heart will glow;
Be true to Jesus, who loves you so,
Hold to the promise true. [Refrain]
4 Hold to the promise, it is divine,
To His sweet will all your life resign;
His love will make all your pathway shine,
Hold to the promise true. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Praise: for Use in Gospel Meetings, Evangelistic Services ... #51