1 Here in thy temple lowly,
With joy we raise our song
To Thee, O Lord, most holy!
To whom we all belong.
Our thanks to God we’re bringing,
To Him our praises singing.
And in our hearts rejoice,
And in our hearts rejoice,
And in our hearts rejoice, rejoice.
2 We join with angel voices,
And grateful songs we raise,
And every heart rejoices,
Thy sacred name to praise. [Refrain]
3 Thou, Lord, art ever near us,
Unseen by mortal eye,—
To comfort, bless, and cheer us,
And every want supply. [Refrain]
4 Guide us a little longer,
Our sins remove, we pray;
And make us ever stronger,
To do Thy will each day. [Refrain]
Source: Gospel Jewels #26