1 Help to fill the world with singing,
Keep the happy bells a-swinging,
Send the echoes wildly ringing
Over all the earth from shore to shore.
Do your part to banish sorrow;
Do not wait until tomorrow;
Here and there,
Yonder, ev'rywhere,
Lie broken hearts and lives you may restore.
There's a song for you to sing,
Bells only you may ring,
Just a word someone never heard
Will cheer a lonely way;
There's a yoke for you to wear,
There's a cross for you to bear,
Do your part with a willing heart
To bring a brighter, better day.
2 When the skies are darkest o'er you,
When the joys of life ignore you,
And the way is dark before you,
Song will rift and drive the clouds away.
Heavy burdens will seem lighter;
Ev'ry day will be the brighter
For a song,
As you go along
Tow'rd that fair city of eternal day. [Chorus]
Source: Victory Songs: For the Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic Services. #200