Heavenly things my soul hath seen,
Things the Holy Spirit shows, —
Things on which the heart can lean
When the flesh has no repose.
All was light, and life and rest —
Love was mine, and I was blest:
Every pain I had to bear
Proved my Shepherd's tender care;
Everything I had to do
Taught my heart that He was true:
I could choose the way He trod,
I could give my will to God.
Waters still and pastures green,
Pleasant paths my soul hath seen.
Is it all a vision gone!
Was the gladness all in vain?
Oh to travel firmly on!
Oh to tread those paths again!
Lord, on Thee my help is laid;
Thou art true, but I have strayed; —
Left Thee with a froward will,
Strayed from One who loves me still.
Through the tangled waste I see,
Seek the sheep that pants for Thee.
Show me the forsaken track,
Lead Thy wanderer safely back:
Let no fear my steps withhold
From the flock within Thy fold.
Sacred memories do not cease —
Still my heart, where'er I go,
Sees the river of thy peace
Through those pleasant pastures flow,
Still, amid the desert drear,
Songs of heavenly love I hear.
Heavenly love! the sound is sweet,
Lo, it stays my wandering feet, —
Leads to Thee for all I lack, —
Softly bids me welcome back.
Thoughts of perfect gifts it brings,
Thoughts of deep enduring things, —
Thoughts of joy I yet may see
Hidden in Thy word for me.
O my Savior! never more
From my treasure to depart,
Now my failing will restore,
Fix the purpose of my heart.
Let Thy spirit in me be
Springing up in love to Thee.
Listening, following day by day,
Steadfast in my onward way,
Girded with Thy faithful mind,
Pleasant paths I yet shall find.
Fonntains at my feet shall rise,
Riches hid shall meet mine eyes.
Songs of glory to my God
In the desert shall be heard!
There is comfort in Thy rod,
Power in Thy reproving word.
In a spirit all thine own
Make Thy hardest sayings known.
They will guard me with Thy strength,
Bear me all my journey's length;
Give me for the daily strife,
Joy and health and plenteous life.
Hid within for precious fruit,
Love shalt take eternal root —
Love that in the Spirit lives;
Love that grows by all it gives.
Neath a rule so firm to bless,
I shall learn Thy gentleness.
Show it forth in all I do,
Making others feel it too.
Savior! fast the moments flee —
O decide my will today.
Bind my heart to follow Thee
Ere the song has died away.
Never let a fear or pain
Turn me to myself again.
Though my strength has failed me long,
Let Thy promise make me strong —
Strong my nature to withstand, —
Strong to hold Thy guiding hand.
All the joy before me set
Teach me never to forget.
If indeed with Thee to stay
I must choose a narrow way, —
If my inmost heart must give
All its purpose, thus to live, —
Still, my portion Thou must be,
Still my spirit cries to Thee.
O for all Thy light to shine!
O for love to keep me Thine.
Hymns and Meditations, 1873