1 Heaven and earth and sea and air
God's eternal praise declare;
Up, my soul, awake and raise
Grateful hymns and songs of praise.
See the sun with glorious ray
Pierce the clouds at opening day;
Moon and stars in splendor bright
Praise their God through silent night.
2 See how earth, with beauty checked,
Tells a heavenly Architect;
Woods and fields, with lowing kine,
Show their Maker all divine.
See the birds, how, pair by pair,
Swift they cleave the yielding air;
Thunder, lightning, storm, and wind
God doth at his will unbind.
3 See the billows tumbling o'er,
Chafing with incessant roar;
Hear them as thy sink and swell
Loud their Maker's praises tell.
Through the world, great God, I trace
Wonders of thy power and grace.
Write more deeply on my heart
What I am, and that thou art.
Source: The Hymnal #122