1 Hear you not the Saviour calling, pleading, pleading?
Calling to the burden'd sinner, "Come to Me,"
I have died for you, and now I'm interceding,
Interceding that you may be wholly free?
Hallelujah! What abundant grace,
God bestows upon a sinful race,
Full forgiveness and the Spirit's pow'r,
Sanctifying us forever more.
2 Hear, O hear the Saviour calling, gently calling,
Calling to the sinner gone so far astray;
From His lips the kindest accents sweetly falling,
Plead to wayward sinners to accept life's way. [Refrain]
3 Hear, O hear the Saviour calling, sweetly calling,
Calling to believers to be pure and strong;
He has grace sufficient and will keep from falling,
Filling us with peace and glory all day long. [Refrain]
Hear, hear Him call.
Source: His Fullness Songs #231