1 Hear what the Lord hath done for me,
A captive bound He set me free;
My blinded eyes He made to see.
O wondrous grace of God!
O grace that did for all my guilt atone!
O grace that would a helpless sinner own!
To all the world that grace would I make known!
O wondrous, boundless grace of God!
2 He suffered Calv’ry’s death of shame,
That I might peace and pardon claim;
And life eternal through His name,
O wondrous grace of God! [Refrain]
3 He gives me joy unknown before,
He saves and keeps me by His pow’r;
His presence lights my darkest hour,
O wondrous grace of God! [Refrain]
4 Such love I cannot comprehend,
That Christ my Lord would condescend
To be my Brother and my Friend,
O wondrous grace of God! [Refrain]
5 His grace will guide me all the way,
Sufficient, still, for ev’ry day;
He cannot fail me, come what may,
O wondrous grace of God! [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Hymns No. 3 #101