1 Hear, troubled soul tho’ the hurricane’s roaring,
Sounding o’er life’s rolling sea,
Clearly above all the tumult ‘tis soaring,
A voice crying, “Come unto me!”
“Come unto me,
Come unto me.”
Clearly and sweetly the Savior will greet thee,
“Despair not, despair not, but come unto me.”
2 Helpless one, sport of the winds of temptation,
Nearing the threatening lea,
Yonder outstretching the hand of salvation,
Is he who says, “Come unto me!” [Chorus]
3 Dark is the night, and thy spirit discerns not
Him who is waiting for thee;
Yet, all intent on the rescue, he turns not,
But still he cries, “Come unto me!” [Chorus]
4 Storm-driven soul, lift the prayer appealing,
“Savior, come thou unto me!”
Quickly he’ll answer, salvation revealing,
Despair not I come unto thee. [Chorus]
Source: Good Will: A collection of New Music for Sabbath Schools and Gospel Meetings (Enlarged) #80