1 Hear the voice of Jesus say,
Loudly crying unto all,
In my vineyard work to-day:
Hearken to His call.
Work, then, for Jesus;
He will own and bless your labors,
Work, work for Jesus;
Work, work to-day.
2 Why, He asks, thro' all the day,
Stand ye idle, nothing do?
Enter in without delay:
I have work for you. [Chorus]
3 Work and serve me with delight;
Full reward to you I'll give,
At the gath'ring shades of night,
Wages you'll receive. [Chorus]
4 Thro' the long and toilsome day,
'Neath a blazing, burning sun,
Bear the heat, pursue your way
Till your task is done. [Chorus]
Source: The New Wonderful Songs for Work and Worship #141